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Gettin’ Fit for Summer Guide #1

Who doesn’t want a toned body for the summer to show off their new Pucci bikini…right? I’m here to give you my inside scoop on workouts I swear by to drop those last few pounds and tone up your muscles. The best part about these workouts is that it takes less than one week to start seeing results! My Gettin’ Fit for Summer Guide will be separated into four parts over the next two weeks: the two BEST workouts, the RIGHT foods to eat, and my FAVORITE clothes to workout in.

Many people ask me how I stay in such great shape while eating as I do on a daily basis. Trust me, it’s not from sitting on my couch watching MTV and reading Vogue all day when I’m not working or going to school. I eat a ton to fill this 5’10” tank, but I also exercise consistently. I literally work my butt off every day. Literally. After being a consistent Bikram Yoga student, I decided to incorporate SoulCycle into my routine. Usually I will switch off and do SoulCycle on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Bikram Yoga Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. But, if I really need to get toned for an upcoming event (or in my case, a trip to Palm Beach in 10 days!) then I will do SoulCycle in the morning, and then a Bikram class at night because the night classes are much warmer. Honestly, it feels really good to do yoga after the spinning because it stretches you out!

Growing up dancing, I am used to an intensive workout schedule and have found Bikram Yoga to be the perfect compliment to maintaining flexibility and focus. When I’m working out and not sweating, I honestly don’t consider it that much of a workout. So when I first starting living in New York a few years back in the summertime, I went to every Bikram studio in the city trying to find the hottest one (you’re more flexible when it’s warmer in the studio, and if it’s not 105 degrees then you are at more risk for injuries). I finally found my favorite studio: Bikram Yoga Union Square. The studio is owned by a man named Otto Cedeno, who has been quoted to being the “Yoga Nazi” due to his intense classes. I have taken many classes all around the world, and have found Otto to be the toughest teacher. I love a challenge and you will too once you become a Bikram follower!

Courtesy of the New York Post

I was privileged enough to sit down with Otto Cedeno at his studio:

Me: How did you get into Bikram Yoga? How long have you been practicing Bikram?

Otto: My friend in a musical theater class out in LA invited me to go because I was having severe back pain, and by the third month I was using less asthma medication. By the fifth month, I didn’t need any. After practicing for over twelve years, I have increased my stamina and my focus.

Me: Is there a special training or certification required for Bikram instructors?

Otto: Bikram has the training program traditionally in Los Angeles, but he has changed the locations to be in Hawaii, Acapulco, and Vegas. Training happens twice a year – the Fall and Spring.

Me: For those new to yoga, what differentiates Bikram Yoga from other forms of yoga?

Otto: The amount of discipline it takes to be in as room heated to 105 degree without vacillating. Most people cannot do it.

Me: What are the benefits to practicing Bikram? For me, I love practicing in the hear because it increases my flexibility and makes me have a better class!

Otto: The benefits in general are to increase stamina, focus, and there are a ton of health benefits. For those people who are inflexible and have a hard time concentrating on one thing, they are the prime candidates for Bikram Yoga.

Me: A lot of my friends, especially guys, are terrified of coming to class with me because they say that they aren’t flexible and can’t take the heat. What is your advice to them?

Otto: You’re the prime candidates.

Me: In addition to Bikram is there another form of exercise that you suggest?

Otto: I happen to like weight lifting like Bikram. I also like skiing, biking, etc. But if you’re a triathlete, I encourage you  to include Bikram Yoga into your training. A ton of athletes such as tennis players such as Andy Murray and Andy Roddick, etc do it as well as profession hockey and football players.

{More from this interview will be in other Gettin’ Fit for Summer Guide posts!}

If you don’t know much about Bikram Yoga, it was created by a man named Bikram, who was a professional weight lifter, and one day he lifted weights that were incredibly heavy, dropped them, and shattered his knees. Through the Bikram Yoga postures, he healed his knees and restructured his body.

The best part about Bikram yoga is that there are only twenty-six postures, which are all repeated twice. It’s the same class every time, so once you start going you will slowly memorize the poses, and become more knowledgeable on how to hold them for longer and push yourself to create new muscles. Another terrific benefit to practicing Bikram Yoga is that no matter where you are in the world, you can drop in a Bikram Yoga class and hit the ground running. Like anything else…if you don’t try your hardest, you will not see any changes in your body – it goes along with the saying “the more you put into something, the more you will get out of it.”

Every posture has a benefit as well. Some decrease your chances of contracting Diabetes, others increase your metabolism, your energy, and your mental focus. You may also take a weight loss supplement like Liv Pure to help improve your liver function and its ability to burn body fat. You can read real livpure reviews and complaints|Geeks Health if you would like to learn more about this weight loss supplement.

If you are sleep deprived and working vigorous hours (ahem, my investment banking friends!) then try this posture above. Sit on your heels, put your arms above your head, hands together with only your index fingers sticking up. Slowly bend forward (after you do it for awhile your forehead will reach the floor first and then your hands), suck your stomach in, and breath in and out for 20 counts. Bikram has said that this is equivalent to eight hours of sleep. You will be amazed as to how much energy you have once you come out of this posture.

Traveling overseas on a consistent basis? Try the previous posture or this one in the picture above. Place your knees hip width distance apart with your feet face down in the same line. Slowly go back, first onto your elbows, then the top of your head, with your butt in between your feet, and lie down for twenty counts. It will take time to increase your flexibility to get down there, so in the beginning you can rest on your elbows with your head looking to the back wall.

Stay tuned for Wednesday when I will post about SoulCycle…my other go-to exercise regime for getting ready for bikini season!

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